Published on May 6, 2008 By PixelPirate In WinCustomize Talk
Looks like we have a double birthday party going on today.

Happy birthday Morten and Angie! Hope you'll eat cake 'til you get sick of it!

Can you believe it hasn't been more than 23 years since they were born?

Comments (Page 4)
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on May 06, 2008
Happy Birthday to the both of you...
on May 06, 2008

and two Verbatim 500GB external HD's

Yah, but you need 'em for that massive skin collection of yours...

on May 06, 2008
Power to the "Bulls"! Happy Birthday to you both. Lots of May babies in my family too, including me.
on May 06, 2008



Birthday !

Birthday !

on May 07, 2008
happy B-day Snowy and KarmaGirl   
on May 07, 2008

Yah, but you need 'em for that massive skin collection of yours...

Erik, my skins collection has a tiny corner (19gb) on a 200 gb ext HD

on May 07, 2008
Beklager at jeg lagde en egen thread for deg Snemænd..... Jeg var bortreist i går og så ikke denne

Takk for all støtte og vennskap

Feire med måte

on May 07, 2008
And Happy Birthday to Karmagirl
on May 07, 2008
happy Birthday both of ya
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