I just bought my dad a new harddrive cuz the old one wasn't behaving (IBM Deskstar - like a DC 10 guaranteed to go down).
I installed XP Pro on it but the drive letter is F: and his 10 GB secondary harddrive is now C: (D: and E: are the CD drives). It works like it should but why has the letters changed? The jumpers and cables are set as they should. I want to change them so they are correct. I've seen this in an application sometime a while ago but can't remember which. Perhaps TweakXP? Could anyone point me to the right application and tell me if there are any dangers involved regarding bootup, compability etc.?
Another annoyance...Outlook Express. I've exported his contacts and setup and it works like a charm. I would like to export his old e-mail messages too, it just does it automatically somewhere on the disk - it won't allow me to a specific place. So how do I do that? Or how do I locate the old messages? They're not kept online by his ISP.
The old disk was running ME - I ordered him to change it to XP
Thanks in advance