Looks like the boys in Redmond have created a new theme for Windows. Perhaps it's going to be a part of SP2?

Here's the link for screenshots and download.

Looks like a glossy version of Luna and reminds me a lot of the new Media Player 10 look.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 29, 2004
Ooh...very nice eye candy!

CerebroJD ports it over to WindowBlinds
on Jun 29, 2004
i hope they didn't hurt themselves, going through all that trouble.. you know, throwing a gradient layer over the graphics they used to make the blue xp theme

i was thinking 'wow, the xp theme people made a new one? so it must look dramatically different from the exisiting themes.. like, white, or transparent, or something.' not too much different from that overkilled ole blue one.

DesignCaddy still thinks they would jump on that MSN9 skin.

DesignCaddy is still sticking with Dogma.

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Jun 29, 2004
Its an improvement, but still not anything I would use.

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Jun 29, 2004
They do know windowblinds exists right?
on Jun 29, 2004
Its not converting over right. Dang.
on Jun 29, 2004
if you follow the directions that come with it and right-click on the msstyle and open with "Window Shell Common dll, it'll open up display properties with the new skin showing. save it as a new msstyle theme and apply it
on Jun 29, 2004

It looks utter crap imo.

Hurrah for Windowblinds being able to change it!

on Jun 29, 2004
#1 by Skinner CerebroJD - 6/29/2004 1:59:23 PM
Ooh...very nice eye candy!

CerebroJD ports it over to WindowBlinds

As soon as that skin was announced we had a little pool going on irc as to who'd do the obligatory port.
A few names came out, but we overlooked you. Next time you gotta give me a heads up, so I can place my bets.
on Jun 29, 2004
Some people call it crap - some love it like it's the best thing MS ever offered (which I actually believe myself). I just don't like it enough to use it everyday

Check the comments section over at Neowin: http://www.neowin.net/comments.php?id=21800&category=main#comment241955

I'll stick with WindowBlinds until Longhorn arrives. Then I'll use the default theme for a while and then I'll be using WindowBlinds again.
on Jun 29, 2004

What I do, which might seem strange, is I'll use WindowBlinds to run the default Luna theme (converted to WB).


1) Lets me use right-clicking on the title bar to minimize apps.

2) It's somewhat faster in painting.

3) More controls get skinned so it's more consistent.

on Jun 29, 2004
I actually cry when I have to use the windows defaults....because WB wasn't installed yet....
on Jun 29, 2004
on Jun 30, 2004
hehehe..... said it before, i'll say it again, if the guys at microsoft wanna make decent windows themes, then they surely need to hire some of the people who upload their skins 'n' stuff here to do the job right.

you skinners can take the ms guys to school
on Jun 30, 2004
you skinners can take the ms guys to school

I'm not including myself. (Yeah right..hehehe). No, really. I think you are totally right. Pixtudio could really show Microsoft a thing or two about making a beautiful user interface. Then, Adni18 can show them how to make a beautiful and professional looking interface. Then there are Treetog and Alexandrie.. Oops they're part of Pixtudio.
on Jun 30, 2004
I just installed it yesterday, I just laughed...
They are way better skins on here.
I agree they should hirer the best skinners here to show Microsoft how its done instead of using theyr GUI designer thats probably working in the basement where they store file cabinets lol. just like that guy in office space.
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